Hear more. Feel more. Be more! Come with me and dive into some great classical music. For over 1000 years great musicians have explored what it means to live, love, die and everything in between: asking all our deep and universal questions. Escape the cacophony - the noise of your brain and daily life; tune into the music, your feelings and emotions ‘good’ and ‘bad’ …and find the space, stillness and love that underpins everything. NB: May include loud noise, surprises, challenges, cacophonous racket. May cause shock, comfort, discomfort, smiles, tears, peace, transcendence. www.cacophonyonline.com classical music Home of the Women’s World Cup of Classical Music
Thursday Dec 03, 2020
67. Bad trip. Berlioz - Fantastic Symphony Pt3
Thursday Dec 03, 2020
Thursday Dec 03, 2020
In the dramatic final part of our drug-fuelled adventure with composer Hector Berlioz, the dreams turn to nightmare visions of murder, execution, witches and demons.
It's loud, exciting, brilliant and I love it.
Listening time: 21 mins (into 6'; music 15')
Music for part 3 on youtube with pictures (18 mins), or Spotify.
or the whole Fantastic Symphony: youtube or Spotify.
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Sunday Nov 29, 2020
66. Escape to the country? Berlioz - Fantastic Symphony, Pt2
Sunday Nov 29, 2020
Sunday Nov 29, 2020
Composer Hector Berlioz's love-struck young artist - in his drug induced dreams - escapes to the country. In the peaceful atmosphere he dreams of love and happiness - but can it last?
Listening time: 22 mins (into 4'; music 18')
Music on youtube with pictures (18 mins), or Spotify.
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Thursday Nov 26, 2020
65. Can't get her out of my head: Berlioz - Fantastic Symphony Pt1
Thursday Nov 26, 2020
Thursday Nov 26, 2020
Driven to distraction and to drugs by a woman he'd never even spoken to, Hector Berlioz was consumed with passion. His obsession and fevered mind produced the unique, Symphony Fantastique. It's brilliant, dramatic, original and gets three episodes of Cacophony!
Listening time: 31 mins (into 9.5'; music 21')
Music on youtube with pictures (first 22mins), or Spotify.
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Friday Nov 06, 2020
Friday Nov 06, 2020
This is a rarity on two counts - it's a really good French symphony from the 1800s, and it's written by a woman! The brilliant, Symphony No.3 by Louise Farrenc.
Listen [and watch] on youtube
or Spotify
Listening time 43mins (7 'intro, 36' music)
I don't really like using old pictures of composers, but when we're playing music by women, who are entirely new to us and aren't just another dead white guy (with or without a wig) it seems appropriate!
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Wednesday Oct 21, 2020
63. The moods of the sea and a sense of place - Britten, Sea Interludes
Wednesday Oct 21, 2020
Wednesday Oct 21, 2020
Some music conjures up a sense of place perfectly and no one has done it better then Benjamin Britten's depiction of the Suffolk coast of England. Bleak, angry, foreboding and special - this is Four Sea Interludes from the opera Peter Grimes.
Music here on youtube or Spotify
Listening time: 23 mins [Intro podcast 7', Music 16']
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Tuesday Oct 13, 2020
Tuesday Oct 13, 2020
It's great to be able to escape from modern life's concerns. Dvorak's sixth symphony is full of good tunes, and a spirit of generosity and optimism. Also a bit of Nationalism... but in a good way. So forget about everything else for a bit and bask in Dvorak's warmth and positivity.
Listening time =24 mins (Intro 5' plus second half of symphony 18')
Music here (2nd half of symphony only) on Youtube (sound only) or Spotify
or the whole piece of music here on Youtube or Spotify
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Tuesday Oct 13, 2020
Tuesday Oct 13, 2020
It's great to be able to escape from life's concerns. Dvorak's sixth symphony is full of good tunes, and a spirit of generosity and optimism. So forget about everything else for a bit and bask in Dvorak's warmth and positivity!
Listening time =35 mins (Intro 7' plus first half of symphony 28')
Music here on Youtube (sound only) or Spotify
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Tuesday Oct 06, 2020
60 Burgeoning Spring, Love and Fortune: Carmina Burana
Tuesday Oct 06, 2020
Tuesday Oct 06, 2020
They say you never forget your first loves and one of mine was Carmina Burana, by Carl Orff - it's immediate and high impact. Even before I was properly into music I was into this... and you will be too! There's really nothing like the sound of a huge choir and orchestra: it's awesome stuff!
Music here on youtube - we're listening to the first 27 minutes - but the whole thing is here if you get swept along. Please do!
And on Spotify
Listening time: 35mins [Intro podcast 8', Music 27']
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Saturday Oct 03, 2020
59. Medieval fun and games - and a bit of moralising
Saturday Oct 03, 2020
Saturday Oct 03, 2020
This is a journey of discovery for me, exploring some musical detective work and blatant speculation with Songs from the 12/13th Century Carmina Burana - drinking, love and wickedness and all hugely entertaining! New music to me and lots to enjoy.
Music on Youtube
or Spotify
Listening time: 26mins [Intro podcast 5', Music 21']
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Tuesday Sep 29, 2020
Tuesday Sep 29, 2020
Visionary, mystic, theologian, scientist, naturalist, medic, nun and more: Hildegard of Bingen, born in 1098, is also one of the very first known composers - and savvy enough to preserve her legacy!
Her life was extraordinary in any era and her music is timeless, moving and special.
Listening time = 17mins (intro 7', music 10')
This episode's music here on Youtube
or here on Spotify
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